
Is there any way to customize the error message?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I would like to configure my own title and message when I initialize the Web3Provider component. Something like:

    <Web3Provider message={"You don't have MetaMask installed. Here is our instruction how to do that"}>
        <App />

Is there any way around to edit ErrorTemplate's props from my application?

ahhh. Sorry creating this issue. I figured how to do that. Please close:

const err = ErrorTemplate.bind(null, {
    title: 'My custom title',
    message: 'My custom message'
    <Web3Provider web3UnavailableScreen={err}>
        <App />

I guess, my question is -- is that the right way to do it? If so, then I could send a pull request to update the documentation.

Hi yazovsky,

I'm trying that solution but I've got...

Failed to compile.

  Line 8:  'ErrorTemplate' is not defined  no-undef

Search for the keywords to learn more about each error.

Could you explain to us how you did your work around? Thank you.

@yazovsky FYI, you can actually pass in a react component like:

const myScreen = <div>no web3 available!</div>;
<Web3Provider web3UnavailableScreen={myScreen}>