
Is this still being maintained?

Opened this issue · 14 comments

I'm trying to use Rails 6, and it looks like the highest supported version is 5.2. If this works with Rails 6, can we bump the dependency to 6.0?

@copasetickid Would it be possible to pass on to someone else to maintain this gem if you aren't going to be maintaining it?

I am still one of the owners for

From what I can see @copasetickid seems not to have the time to maintain this project, which is fine. If there is someone else willing to step up, and if a consensus is reached, I can add the new maintainer to

The problem is that I have no control over this repo, so a fork would have to be created. Issues would be lost, but that is secondary to active maintenance.

@jmfederico I would very much love to take over this repo if everyone is ok with it.
The main reason is because I am planning to use this in my core product. But the thing that stopped me from using this is that the repo is no longer being maintained. IF we can get this going and if you can help guide me on this, I would very much love to take over this

Sorry I've been busier than expected and I haven't had much time to focus on this as I would like. I've noticed PRs open to update this gem but no one has been able to get the build to pass for me to merge it in.

I'd be fine with passing this along since @tlkiong seems to have more of need for it now that I have to time for.

Any news here?

@ELepolt Unfortunately, there isn't any. :(

Ok, I can not do anything here on GitHub (no permissions over the repo) but I can add new mantainares on

@ELepolt are you still interested?
Do you have a fork that can be used as the new home for the project?

I do not. I'm very new to this repo at a new job looking to move up to Rails 6. I know there're a few other people who have forked it and updated it for Rails 6:

Maybe reaching out to them might be a decent idea?

@tlkiong are you still interested?

From looking at the forks:

I wouldn't use my fork. The core of the gem works much the same but I've taken out a lot of code that I didn't agree with, mostly around saving/creating a draft.

Think of it more as a stripped down version of this gem.

We're actually removing it from our application in favor of a solution involving paper trail so our fork will be unused soon.

Happy to go over the changes I made though.

There was a lot of logic in the gem around drafts returning back to the original state of the parent object that I removed, and I think some around if the draft was made from a create.

Sorry guys. I somehow didn't get any notification from @jmfederico.
I have built a version using papertrail though very specific to my own use case.
So, not at the moment. Thanks!

copasetickid are there any plans to update this gem?