
Stickler server returns all gemspecs on the server

josedonizetti opened this issue · 4 comments

I've been running stickler to manage the gems of the company I work for and as we started to have more an more gems added to stickler we saw the gem install command getting very slow. Running bundle install --vendor, I can see that the stickler returns all the gemspec in the server, and that's why it task a long time to finish fetching the gems because at every install we are passing on all the gems metadata in the server.
Is is a configuration problem? Thanks.

pitr commented

I think you meant that you are running "bundle install --verbose", but ya +1

I believe this is because I have not implemented the new dependency api call that bundler uses when talking to


GET - /api/v1/dependencies?gems=[COMMA DELIMITED GEM NAMES]

If the dependencies api call does not exist on the server it falls back to fetching the top level marshal file that contains all the specs on the server.

Unfortunately I haven't gotten around to implementing this yet. I do have an Issue for it already #22.

If someone would like to implement it, I'd be happy to see the pull request. I'll put this feature high on the list of my open source items.

If you all agree, I'm going to close this as a duplicate of #22.

Fell free to close it. Thanks for replying. I fell like working on it. Will start some and let's have the discussion on the issue #22.