
Daemonize does not work in v2.4.0

gradeawarrior opened this issue · 8 comments

Starting stickler-server with '--daemonize' does not actually start the server

% stickler-server start --daemonize /tmp/stickler-test

Right now, we're resorting to using nohup or screen to get around this.

@gradeawarrior Can you tell me what version and engine of ruby you are using?

ruby-1.9.3-p547. But let me try on later versions to see if the issue persists.

Oh, I should also know what OS, linux distribution etc you are working with.

I first noticed it happening on CentOS 5.6, but later reverified it happening on OSX Mavericks. I'm in the process of verifying on 2.0.0-p482; I'll chime-in again soon

Yah, the same thing is happening on OSX on ruby-2.0.0-p482. I can start the server without daemonize, but no luck with daemonize.

Alright thanks, I'll investigate shortly.

Any update on this?

my apologies, thanks for the nudge, I'll have an update on things tonight.

Gem version 2.4.1 pushed.