ESP-IDF & Arduino Template


  1. Make sure you are using a Python2 environment in your terminal. See Pythono Installation section for details on how to do this.
  2. Install ESP-IDF at the v3.3.2 release (if you have not already)
    1. Check you current version git describe --always --tags --dirty
    2. If in doubt, delete your ESP-IDF folder and fresh install
      git clone -b v3.3.2 --recursive
  3. Download this repository git clone --recursive
  4. make menuconfig to configure the project
  5. make -j17 to build

Python Installation

  1. Install home-brew
  2. Install Anaconda brew cask install anaconda
  3. Add Anaconda path to your bash profile. Just insert this line anywhere in your .zshrc or .bashprofile file within your user directory export PATH=“/usr/local/anaconda3/bin:$PATH”
  4. Initialise Anaconda for whatever shell you are using. conda init <SHELL_NAME> You're probably using either bash or zsh e.g. conda init zsh
  5. Install CCACHE brew install cache
  6. Create a Python 2 Environment conda create -—name py2 python=2.7
  7. Activate that environment conda activate py2
  8. Add Alias to make activating our environment a lot easier. Add this line to your .zshrc or .bashprofile file. alias pyinit="conda deactivate && conda activate py2” Now whenever we want to activate our python2 environment we simply have to call pyinit To revert to our default environment, just use conda deactivate