
VsCoq 2 -- Very slow with 100% CPU usage

Opened this issue · 4 comments

In the first few seconds of use it is fast, but then it slows down to a crawl. coqtop shows 100% cpu usage. Updating the proof state when moving the cursor takes several seconds to even minutes. I'm on OS X with vscoq language server 2.1.2, coq 8.18.0, and vscode Version: 1.87.1.

Hi, thanks for reporting !
Could you give me more context ? Like what file (if you have an example file it would be perfect) you are using and what settings ? I assume continuous mode but are you using proof delegation ?

Yes I am using continuous mode. The slowdown does not happen in the mode where you manually advance the proof state.

I am not certain whether I'm using proof delegation. How do I determine that?
It happens on all large files I've tried. You may be able to replicate it on files from the Iris project

Let me know if you need more information!

Ah okay ! To be honest I am not sure using continuous mode will ever be viable on a very large file. Each time you make an edit it will trigger a re-computation of most everything that comes after. Maybe in the future we will figure out a heuristic, or a strategy to make it work but I doubt it. At the moment I would recommend using manual mode on larger files !

For the delegation you can look for the VsCoq > Proof: Delegation setting.

Hey @julesjacobs, have the latest releases improved this issue ? Could you give some feedback ?