
Add second passkey-error screen to login flow

Closed this issue · 1 comments


We want to introduce a 2. version of a passkey-error screen in order to have a PasskeyError and a PasskeyErrorLight screen. This allows to show a non-error like screen if a user aborts the passkey-verify process by fault or the iOS gesture bug occures.
Only at the second passkey-abort/error, a real error message is shown.

A draft of screens and flows can be found in this Figma.


Before you start: check implementation idea below

  • Create a new passkey-error screen according to the Figma draft "S2.2.3 PasskeyErrorLight". The screen should not variate too much from the passkey-error screen except Title, Icons, Text and CTA and Secondary button are switched from the current passkey-error screen.
  • Show the "PasskeyErrorLight" screen at the first error/abort of a passkey-verify process.
  • If a user clicks on "Login with passkey" button, the authenticator should open on top of the PasskeyErrorLight screen.
  • If a second error/abort is triggered during the passkey-verify process, the normal PasskeyError screen (Figma draft S2.2.2 PasskeyError) should be shown.
  • The PasskeyError screen should continue to work as usual.
  • If a user is navigating back or editing the identifier, the error screen order resets and the user starts from the beginning.

Additional changes

  • Adjust the "or" separation line to match the width of the CTA button. (Screenshot 1)

Acceptance criteria

  • First passkey-error/abort shows the user the PasskeyErrorLight screen
  • Second passkey-error/abort navigates the user to the normal PasskeyError screen
  • User that returns to the LoginInit screen, restarts with the process.
  • "Or" separation line have the same width as the CTA button

Implementation idea

@incorbador => Please add additional implementation hints, like create another screen or just change the wordings.



looks good