
Feedback for User Details List

vincentdelitz opened this issue · 1 comments


  • When clicking either on the input field or the icon next to it and copying the value, can we make the icon change (like on GitHub if you copy something there as well:

  • When I changed and provided an invalid value, then a valid value and saved it, the warning message in red does not disappear:

  • I cannot completely remove the username, because when there's only one letter left, it automatically jumps back to the full, old username. This is quite bad UX if you want to change the username completey:

  • If I change the username but click on cancel, then the changed username stays and not the old one (while when I copy, the old username is copied -> strange behavior)

  • When I add a new email address, try to re-send a code before 30s are over and then delete the new email address the "Please wait for at least 30s to resend" red sign stays and moves to the already verified old primary email address:

  • Can we automatically remove the "Please wait for at least 30s to resend" warning when 30s are over (currently it stays). In the best case we autoamtically update the number of seconds that need to be waited before we can resend

  • If I cancel the input of the OTP to verify the email address, I don't come back to the screen to enter a new valid OTP because the screen stays like this and I have to wait until 30s are over to click on "Verify" in the menu again:

  • How can I change the primary email address? Is that even possible?

  • If I remove the old primary email address, there's no badge for the new primary email address anymore (should probably be one of the other "Verified" email addresses:



  • Very long email addresses cause overflows and break the design. I would redact them with "..." in the middle:
  • if "Name" is only 1 or 2 digits, then I cannot save but there's also no error message.
  • When I change the username and click on the "Change" button, then for a very short time (milliseconds) the old value replaces the value that I want to save and only then comes the new value again. (this behavior does happen for changing the Name field)
  • When I save a new email address, then for very short time (milliseconds) the box disappears before it comes back