
A repo to track changes to my Star Trek CCG deck "Moving Parts V: The shark still looks fake..."


A repo to track changes to my Star Trek CCG deck "Moving Parts V: The shark still looks fake..."

This is a bit of an experiement. The decks really aren't "code" in the traditional sense but github has version tracking features that the site that makes these decks doesn't have.

I'm encouraging others to fork the deck. To then track your deck at trekcc.org, you can either copy my original deck (located here: http://www.trekcc.org/1e/decklists/index.php?mode=viewdeck&deckID=13706) or you might be able to import my code as is using the "Upload from lackey" feature on the site: http://www.trekcc.org/1e/decklists/index.php?mode=lackeyimport

Please le me know if you find this useful or interesting.