
rpm-ostree rebase ostree-unverified-registry does not include autheselect changes

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug

I created an OCI container using bazzite as the FROM. The main purpose of this container was to pre-include the ldap setup into the container. autheselect changes do not seem to be populated from the container, specifically, the sss entries that should exist in /etc/autheselect/system-auth and by symlink /etc/pam.d/system-auth are not added to the system despite the fact that they are present within the container

Reproduction steps

  1. Create an oci image from a Containerfile with:
FROM bazzite:latest
RUN authselect select sssd with-mkhomedir && \
    ostree container commit 
  1. build oci-container:
podman build -t bazzite-custom .
  1. verify lines exist in container:
podman run --rm -it bazzite-custom grep sss /etc/pam.d/system-auth
  1. push to registry
  2. ostree rebase ostree-unverified-registry:
  3. grep sss /etc/pam.d/system-auth

Expected behavior

Lines in rebased system match lines in container:

auth        sufficient                          forward_pass
account     [default=bad success=ok user_unknown=ignore]
password    sufficient                          use_authtok
session     optional                           

Actual behavior

/etc/pam.d/system-auth is unchanged and has no sssd support included

System details

root@bazzite-test:~# rpm-ostree --version
Version: '2024.6'
Git: 1dda51b264eec8003eb6032f1f41844754ec163b

  • rust
  • compose
  • container
  • fedora-integration
    root@bazzite-test:~# rpm-ostree status -b
    State: idle
    Digest: sha256:d119613c0e0e24bbc74d4d94c00681270c53c6697730ace0a240a01a517e8589
    Version: 40.20240618.0 (2024-06-21T11:04:38Z)

Additional information

No response

I ran this also against a coreos / ucore server and the same problem exists.

I have been doing some document/source reading in order to figure this out. Since rpm-ostree will not update any /etc file which doesn't match the previous baseline version of the file; ucore and bazzite probably updated this file and therefore stopped changes from being pushed from base image updates.

I would like to move this out of bug state and instead pose a question (or possible lack of feature).

Is there a way to get an /etc file back to the correct state so that it will be updated by the base image?

There is /usr/etc which includes the /etc content that came from the image. You can copy the file from there to /etc/.

sudo ostree admin config-diff will show you all the files the user or system have modified, deleted or added. Those files will not automatically be updated when you upgrade, you could set up a script/service to copy from /usr/etc any of them you want to replace. If you decide to do something like that be advised that any modifications to those files on /etc you replace will be gone forever which can be a dangerous thing.

Thank you for the detailed answer. I am sorry it took so long for me to get back to you. This would be good information for the manual (assuming it isn't already there and I somehow overlooked it).

I am trying to use rpm_ostree as a replacement for nixOS. I have an image setup with all of my local network configuration needs so I can deploy it and have a computer instantly on the network and functioning. This has proved difficult with authselect. I am going to see if I can find out why it is locally changed to begin with and then perhaps find out if that can be removed from the ublue images.