Closed this issue · 1 comments
travier commented
We should use
by default now that we're on RHEL 9.
The 9.1 based support tools image however comes with sos 4.3 which does not have sosreport/sos@95912b2f from sosreport/sos#2914 which leads to issues when launched directly with:
$ oc debug node/...
$ sos report
Could not initialize 'report': local variable '_host_sysroot' referenced before assignment
This is repdocucible outside of a cluster with:
$ podman run --rm -ti
[root@a0eaf1e45896 /]# sos report
Could not initialize 'report': local variable '_host_sysroot' referenced before assignment
[root@a0eaf1e45896 /]# rpm -qi sos
Name : sos
Version : 4.3
Release : 5.el9_1
travier commented
It turned out that directly running the support tools image without going through toolbox is apparently not supported for now so we can update the image right away as it works when going through the classic toolbox flow.