
3.0.0-rc.13 directories with space or special characters are not getting resolved

kowsikbabu opened this issue · 4 comments

When a directory has a space or special character like brackets, they don't get resolved from URL conversions. Waiting for a stable release...

Which operating system (please include OS version, language, etc) are you running on? We have not seen any issues with spacing or special characters, so I'd like to know more about how we could replicate the environment you're using it in. My gut tells me there could potentially be a special character we're not accounting for.

Windows 10, English. It's just the space character



I haven't tested for other special characters, that's why I put an 'or' in the query.
I removed the brackets from the folder name, still got the 404.

Any update on this issue?

Unfortunately no, we haven't had alot of time and have been focusing more on some installer issues folks have been experiencing. This is still on the to-do list.