
fenix crashes when starting a server

themasch opened this issue · 4 comments

For some reason some directories cause trouble for fenix.
While creating a server seems to work fine all the time, starting a server reproducible fails for some directories (like the OpenUI5 SDK for example).

This leads to a complete freeze of fenix. After killing the process one has to delete the servers.fnx (or at least change every servers "running"-value to false) in order to be able to start fenix again because otherwise it would freeze on launch (not finishing the animation at all).

As mentioned it seems pretty random what directories fail, but it seems to be 100% reproducible. If it kills fenix once, It'll kill him everytime. If it works once, I may very well work everytime.

(Should I create a seperate issue for the 'fenix doesn't start if the config has running:true values' ?)

No need to add another issue, this will suffice. Which OS are you experiencing this issue on?

@themasch - I wasn't able to dive completely into it, but I was able to recreate the issue. It looks like the resources and test-resources directories are the culprit in the case of the OpenUI5 SDK. However; I haven't been able to pinpoint a specific cause.

I suspect an issue with the thumbnail capture, because none of the screenshots load when it hangs up. I added a specific try/catch around the screen capture method, but it isn't throwing an error.

Upon a little further (but not exhaustive) review, it looks like the code in the OpenUI folder is causing the page to not load completely. The screen capture attempts to load the page, waits 4 seconds, then tries to take a snapshot. However; it appears as though the page is not responding with any kind of HTTP status. It looks like this might be causing an infinite loop. I'll have to check with the node-webkit guys since the screen capture is part of that software suite.

Hi, sorry for the late answer.
I'm using fenix on windows, don't tried on other OS yet.

But wow, THAT seems to be a crazy issue. Let me know if I can help to fix this, we'd really like to use fenix.

I have done more testing, and I cannot recreate this issue with anything other than the OpenUI5 SDK. I'm going to close this and mark it as a known issue with this library. Hopefully I'll be able to fix it in the future, but right now I just have other things taking higher priority. If you are able to track the issue down to a specific file, let me know and I'll reopen the issue.