
[Issue]: Symlink seems not working in exFAT filesystem

MisaLiu opened this issue · 2 comments

What happened?

I tried run nvm install 20.12.1 and nothing wrong happend, but when I tried run nvm use 20.12.1, although UAC pop up and nvm promped Now using node v18.18.2 (64-bit), but I still cannot use node and there's no nodejs symlink created in my node folder.

What did you expect to happen?

The nodejs folder should be created correctly.


1.1.11 or newer (Default)

Which version of Windows?

No response

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Which shell are you running NVM4W in?


User Permissions?

Standard Use, Non-Elevated

Is Developer Mode enabled?


Relevant log/console output

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misaliu is not using admin or elevated rights.

pwsh in misaliu
Windows Version: 10.0 (Build 19045)

Windows Developer Mode: UNKNOWN (user cannot read registry)

NVM4W Version:      1.1.12
NVM4W Path:         D:\Develop\nvm\nvm.exe
NVM4W Settings:     D:\Develop\nvm\settings.txt
NVM_HOME:           D:\Develop\nvm
NVM_SYMLINK:        D:\Develop\nodejs
Node Installations: D:\Develop\nvm

Total Node.js Versions: 1
Active Node.js Version: none
(run "nvm use <version>" to activate a version)
NVM_SYMLINK does not exist yet. This is auto-created when "nvm use" is run.

IPv6 is enabled. This can slow downloads significantly.

"pwsh in misaliu" is not an officially supported shell. Some features may not work as expected.

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Anything else?

No response

I guess I found the issue:

My D: partition, for some reason, is using exFAT filesytem, and I found some posts about Windows cannot create symlink on exFAT (at least now)1 so I reinstall nvm to my C: partition (which is using NTFS filesystem) and everything works fine.




Glad you got it working. I was not aware of the exFAT limitation for symlinks. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. It's something to consider for Runtime.