
Step 2: Convert eBird to a format which can be easily spatially queried

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The object here is to be able to easily convert the eBird dataset for a format which can be easily spatially queried. In that, for a given delineated greenspace, we can easily extract all data for that greenspace.

The current working theory is that a sql database might be the best way to do this.

Here is a link to the raw eBird data in the format in which it is currently downloaded. Only for Australia at the moment.

Need to figure out how to get this into a format to spatially query it.

Not exactly sure what this link is yet, but it has some nice code we can use for MySQL import, I think.

I think we will need to convert the geojsons to wkt format to query the db: we can do this via this tool, or a similar python tool.

I also think we definitely want to set it up using a spatial index

Or probably the easiest way would be via the wellknown package in R