
Error in JPEGRGB_dissected.png

yasoob opened this issue · 3 comments

The second Huffman table should be class 1 (AC). JPEG contains 4 Huffman tables, 2 for DC and 2 for AC. The dissection contains 3 DC and 1 AC.

Thank you so much for such detailed dissection. It was extremely helpful :)

99991 commented

There also is a small mistake with the color coding of the image width and height in row 0A0. Two bytes should be red and two bytes should be green.



The JPEG format, which stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group, is a widely used file format for compressing and storing digital images. It is commonly used for photographs and other complex images with continuous tones, such as natural scenes or artwork.

JPEG is known as a lossy compression format, meaning that it achieves compression by discarding some image data that is considered less important or less perceptible to the human eye. This allows for a significant reduction in file size compared to uncompressed image formats, but it also means that some image quality is lost in the process.

The JPEG Format Interchange Format (JFIF) is a specification that outlines a set of rules for using [JPEG compression [url=

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) within the framework of a standard file format. It was created to facilitate the interchange of JPEG-encoded images between different devices and software applications.

JFIF defines a file structure that includes markers, segments, and headers to provide information about the image, such as its dimensions, color space, and compression parameters. It also specifies how to handle various aspects of the JPEG compression process, including the quantization tables, Huffman coding, and other encoding parameters.

JFIF files typically have the ".jpg" or ".jpeg" file extension, and they can be opened and viewed by a wide range of image viewing and editing software. The format is widely supported across different platforms and devices, making it a popular choice for sharing and distributing images on the internet or via other means of digital communication.