API third party components
izac3d opened this issue · 3 comments
Hi David,
I am testing the API version but I was hoping that you avoid using third part components. I need Doscommand, raize components for a url label ?
And what are Beyond.Bind.Json, Beyond.Bind.StrUtils belong to ? I can not find results from google.
First, remember this branch is still under development (I haven't had time to work on it in about a month) and is quite a ways from working.
Look at the README for the project under "Dependency" to find a link to custom LiveBinding methods. DosCommand and Raize Components (renamed Bonus KSVC) are in GetIt. I will update the README to include these.
There are no commercial components used in this project.
I am sick but I would like to try to help, can I ?
That would be great! You have already forked the project, so as you make local updates, submit pull requests for me to merge in.
The last thing I was working on is getting details in the side panel and and main control list but paused to add another custom LiveBindings method. I think I have a few pending changes that are not checked in--I'll try to get them in over the next day or so.