
Team 3: Enforcing Requirements

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This is a 1 week sprint. The PR will be due Wednesday, April 17th @12am (to account for the late start). Revisions are due Friday, April 19th @12am.

For this ticket, you will be enforcing requirements in the questionnaires and updating questionnaire fields.

  • Create a branch called EnforceReqs and push to the repo.

Task #1: Required section for patient questionnaire

In the current implementation, the patient questionnaire, last page, does not require the patients to fill these fields before the account creation.


This does not seem proper UI flow, since we want the users to have filled out some information so that the psychiatrists can help them out. There is a similar implementation for the previous pages all implemented in frontend/src/components/patientQuestionnaire.

  • Make the above fields (in the picture) required before the account creation is finished on frontend/src/components/patientQuestionnaire/HistoryQuestionnaire.tsx.

Task #2: Language selection for patient questionnaire

  • A smaller bug is that the checkboxes for "your preferred languages" is not shown when clicked. There is a similar implementation in the psych questionnaire, frontend/src/components/psychQuestionnaire/AgeLanguageQuestionnaire.tsx if you get stuck.


Task #3: Job Location for psych questionnaire

Right now we have this implementation for psychs to choose their jobs.


However, this causes the error with how we are showing psych cards. Such like this:


  • To resolve this, include a required location section so psych can input their work location.
  • Fix the capitalization for job titles so it is homogenous (we want all caps). In the above example, psychiatrist is not capital.
  • Save this data to the location parameter in the database. Here is an example:


Task #4: Patient Edit profile

Right now, when you are a new patient (just made an account) and you want to edit your profile through Edit Profile, here is the page that you get brought to.


  • Add (Required) for fields that are required, which will be all the fields.


  • There is an issue with displaying Have you spoken with your counselor before?. It shows ages instead of Yes or No.