
Create Admin Side Professional Profile View

Closed this issue · 0 comments

In this ticket, you will be reusing much of the Professional Profile work to develop how the professional profiles appear when a psychiatrist is clicked on from the View All Psychiatrist page on the admin side of the site.


  • Create a new branch
  • Review how the Professional Profile page was created (take a look at the resolved issue and/or PR if necessary as well)
  • This will be implemented in frontend/src/components/. Please create a folder called adminProfProfile and re-use files made in the profProfile folder as much as possible (we don't want to be recoding all of this focus on what components you can re-use and/or edit based on if the viewer is an admin or a psychiatrist.
  • Once again, connect to the backend
  • Implement the frontend according to the DEV HANDOFF in Figma
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  • The main differences are the edit profile button and the analytics button—link the edit profile page made by Jackie to the button, for now the analytics hasn't been developed (make sure to use Tailwind CSS to appropriately style based on the Figma!)
  • Take the query made to the Firestore database and populate the fields as appropriate

When finished, please complete the ticket assigned to Akhil's last group for styling the view psychiatrists/clients page deleting so that we can link the professional profile page to said page.
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Please reach out of there are any questions!