
[BugIs there a problem calculating the covariance matrix of different samples in the batch?

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My data dimensions are [B, N, D], the first dimension is batchsize, the second dimension is the sequence length in the sample, and the third dimension is the feature channel.
Before feeding into the Approximate Gaussian process, I flatten the first and second dimensions into [BN, D] and feed into the Gaussian process. The output of my Gaussian process is [BN, T], where T is the number of tasks. But is there a problem in this case? So I have 2 issues:

  1. Because the covariance matrix between all samples in a mini_batch is calculated, but in fact there is no relationship between each of my samples, and there is no need to calculate the covariance between different samples.
  2. Because of this problem, I can only perform a for loop according to the batch dimension and use a defined Gaussian process to process all samples one by one. Is this reasonable?

Are you using a multitask model? And why are you flattening the data? There should be no need to flatten the data; GPyTorch can compute batches of covariance matrices.

A contained reproducible code example would also be helpful.

Are you using a multitask model? And why are you flattening the data? There should be no need to flatten the data; GPyTorch can compute batches of covariance matrices.

A contained reproducible code example would also be helpful.
I did use a multitask model.The reason I flattened the input data is because if I don't flatten it, I get a dimensionality error.

This is my code for defining GP. Because I didn't find any examples of unflattened data in the tutorials. All I saw were two-dimensional data such as [B,D] input into the Gaussian process, and I didn't see any examples of [B,N,D]

`class MultitaskDeepGP(ApproximateGP):

def __init__(self, input_dims, output_dims, num_inducing=32, linear_mean=True,num_latents=30):
    inducing_points = torch.randn(num_latents, num_inducing, input_dims)
    batch_shape = torch.Size([num_latents])
    variational_distribution = CholeskyVariationalDistribution(
    variational_strategy = gpytorch.variational.LMCVariationalStrategy(
            self, inducing_points, variational_distribution, learn_inducing_locations=True
    base_mean = ConstantMean() if not linear_mean else LinearMean(input_dims)
    self.mean_module = base_mean
    base_covar = ScaleKernel(
    self.covar_module = base_covar
def forward(self, x):
    mean_x = self.mean_module(x)
    covar_x = self.covar_module(x)
    return MultivariateNormal(mean_x, covar_x)`

If I input data shape as [B,N,D], it will report this error
Could you please give me some suggestions for modifications? Thanks