
Parse error

Closed this issue · 9 comments

suoc commented
Parse error

Please provide more information. A short error report will help convince me it's worth downloading files a stranger has uploaded.

suoc commented

DICOM Dump with Data Dictionary
I use this page to parse those files get this error.
Status:Ready - no pixel data found; file size 6.802 MB; parse time 3ms; SHA1 = 3f4d602033b499b1099ecd72ae3727848aa99147 Digital X-Ray Image Storage - For Presentation; Implicit VR Little Endian: Default Transfer Syntax for DICOM

suoc commented

I don't konw, Is the file standard or my setting's problem.

suoc commented

It seems like #89 , But his file can be parsed successed, mine can not.

suoc commented

I try the dcm4che(A Java dicom util) to paser these files, parse successed.
This is my code.
`DicomInputStream dicomInputStream = new DicomInputStream(stream2);
Attributes attributes = dicomInputStream.readDataset(-1, -1);

        attributes.setString(Tag.SpecificCharacterSet, VR.CS, "GB18030");//  <======
        String studyId = attributes.getString(Tag.StudyID); // study id
        String studyuid = attributes.getString(Tag.StudyInstanceUID); // study uid
        String seriesId = attributes.getString(Tag.SeriesInstanceUID); //series id
        String instanceId = attributes.getString(Tag.SOPInstanceUID); // instance id
        String seriesNumber = attributes.getString(Tag.SeriesNumber);
        String instanceNumber = attributes.getString(Tag.InstanceNumber);
        String patientID = attributes.getString(Tag.PatientID);
        String patientName = attributes.getString(Tag.PatientName);
        String bodyPart = attributes.getString(Tag.BodyPartExamined);
        String modality = attributes.getString(Tag.Modality);
        Date studyTime = attributes.getDate(Tag.StudyDate);
        String accessionNumber = attributes.getString(Tag.AccessionNumber);
        String transferSyntax = dicomInputStream.getTransferSyntax();
        String patientAge = attributes.getString(Tag.PatientAge);`
suoc commented

I watch the source code and try to fix this problem, But failt, I have no idea yet

yagni commented

I took a look at this. It looks like the problem is that the file has multiple Transfer Syntax UIDs: at offset 260 there's one for JPEG Lossless, Non-Hierarchical (Process 14) and at offset 356 there's one for Implicit VR Little Endian. Given that the file is actually explicit VR little endian and that the implicit VR transfer syntax is located after the file meta information (which is invalid from a DICOM perspective), I'm assuming the second transfer syntax is a mistake. Indeed, if you delete the 26 bytes starting at offset 356, you'll find the file can be parsed properly.

suoc commented

So these files are not standard DICOM file, If the DCM4CHE can parse successed, we can use it's logic to deal with this problem.

yagni commented

@suoc I'm going to go ahead and close this issue since we know what the problem is and that it's not related to the parser itself.