I don't understand how to use the menu.
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I recently started learning Python, and in my first mini-applications I wanted to use a module that draws the menu, instead of the usual "input-method" like
a = input('Choose a number [1/2]: ')
if a == 1:
print('You have chosen 1!')
elif a == 2:
print('You have chosen 2!')
print('Error, try again.')
I don't like the fact that instead of pressing a key, I have to type it in the line to confirm it with Enter.
Your module solves this problem, but I couldn't find the documentation for it, and I have no idea how to use it.
Can I ask you for a use case that could replace my code above?
P.S: I have problems with English, so I use Deepl for translation. I apologize in advance for any strange/inaccurate wording. Thanks in advance for the answer!
in other languages like C
, u have things like getchar
, but python don't.
i use msvcrt
to replace getchar
returns byte , in python you write b'xxx'
to comapare those .
it's simple to get keys like 1234\abcd but it's hard to get up
and Function keys ,
mac or linux
i use getch
to get keys , this is based on termios
, dont support windows .
core code here.
def get_key(): #get keypress using getch , msvcrt = windows or termios = linux
try :
import getch
first_char = getch.getch()
if first_char == '\x1b': #arrow keys
return {'[A': 'up', '[B': 'down', '[C': 'right', '[D': 'left' }[a+b]
if ord(first_char) == 10:
return 'enter'
if ord(first_char) == 32:
return 'space'
return first_char #normal keys like abcd 1234
except :
import msvcrt
key = msvcrt.getch() # get keypress
if key == b'\x1b': # Esc key to exit
return 'esc'
elif key == b'\r': # Enter key to select
return 'enter'
elif key == b'\x48': # Up or Down arrow
return 'up'
elif key == b'\x50': # Up or Down arrow
return 'down'
return key.decode('utf-8')
while True:
key = get_key()
print("You pressed: ", key)
i have a blog here , if you interest , but this blog is not focus on your problem .
Hi, it's me again! I figured out the module device and I still have a questions.
Can I hide the message Menu current option: 0
and Use the arrow keys to move, Enter/Hotkey to select.
no it's hard coded.
Maybe in next version:)
Hi, it's me again! I figured out the module device and I still have a questions.
Can I hide the message
Menu current option: 0
andUse the arrow keys to move, Enter/Hotkey to select.
dumb_menu-1.0.4 is uploaded , now you can use :
options = ["[1]Option 1", "[2]Option 2", "[3]Option 3","[q]quit"]
index = get_menu_choice(options,isclean=True)
to decide to use hint or not. ( it's ON by default)