
Why does this error exist?

Ein-Tim opened this issue ยท 15 comments

A user on Twitter posted this screenshot of the CWA:

Why does this error exist? CWA only considers the last 10 days so this error isn't an error.

Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-14630

@Ein-Tim thanks for raising this! This message is designed as a security means to protect the server in case there are too many key submissions. The number (i.e. 10) is configurable, so that we can adjust it if there was too much traffic. At the moment this mechanism should is not activated.

As you correctly mentioned, CWA anyway only considers the last 10 days and this message should not show up. My assumption is that by some means, the app submitted keys that were older than 10 days. I'll try to figure out why this happens. Is this the only report so far that you've seen?

For what it's worth, it's not an error message but just a notice ๐Ÿ˜‰

@mlenkeit Sounds good! Thank you and let me know if you need any more details!

@mlenkeit FYI: seems like Ursache10 also plays a role here.

@mlenkeit FYI: seems like Ursache10 also plays a role here.

@Ein-Tim thanks for referencing the tweet. This might indeed be a series of events. Ursache10 has always been very hard (not to say impossible) to reproduce, let's see if we find a link between the two.


Have you tried warning yourself yet? Here's a second user reporting the same issue:

Maybe the Android implementation is faulty? I issued a SRS warning on my iPhone 6s (I deleted all contacts via the OS settings previously) and did not get an error like this.

@mlenkeit / @dsarkar / @thomasaugsten

I'd like to escalate this issue. From reports on Twitter I tend to say that this is not an isolated issue but always occurs. I will try warning myself on an Android device with version 3.0.1 installed and error logging active. Let's see if I'll get the same error.

First users on Twitter are starting to interpret this warning/informational pop-up as a confirmation that the SRS feature is broadly used to troll others:

@Ein-Tim This issue is currently being analysed, and I have actually seen it also on iOS. I will also forward your additional information to the internal ticket. Many thanks.

@dsarkar In this case this issue can be transferred to the cwa-documentation repository.

We adopt adapted the configuration to prevent this warning which maybe confuse the user


Okay so this was already done on server side? Is there a corresponding PR?


We adopt the configuration to prevent this warning which maybe confuse the user

Did you mean "adapt" not "adopt"?
If it is "adopt" what is the configuration you are adopting?

Is already done. It should not occur further notes. There was a direct change. I will have a look if we a default value in the repo. Yes it was adapted.

It's an environment variable configuration setting that is not reflected in any of the repositories. We changed the value of this variable, which was set to 10:


Means the change isn't visible in the repo?

Congrats, this error made it into ZDF Wiso: (at 01:26).

But seriously, as this should be fixed now, I'll close this issue.