Legal changes in TestV affect app and website
MikeMcC399 opened this issue · 14 comments
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Regulation changes
As reported by
Auf einen Blick: Das fällt weg
- Alle Tests bei Personen ohne Symptome nach Testverordnung (z.B. Bürgertests, Tests vor Krankenhaus- oder Reha-Aufenthalt)
- Bestätigungsdiagnostik nach positivem PoC-Antigentest oder Selbsttest
- Anspruch auf kostenlose Test- und Genesenenzertifikate
- Formular OEGD zur Veranlassung von SARS-CoV-2-Tests nach TestV im Labor
- Formular 10C zur Veranlassung von SARS-CoV-2-Tests im Labor bei symptomatischen Patienten (ab 1. März auf Formular 10)
there are major changes which come into effect on March 1, 2023. shows that the following legal paragraphs from the TestV are no longer in force:
§ 1 Anspruch
§ 2 Testungen von nachweislich infizierten Personen, Kontaktpersonen und von Personen mit Voraufenthalt in Virusvariantengebieten
§ 3 Testungen von Personen nach Auftreten von Infektionen in Einrichtungen und Unternehmen
§ 4 Testungen zur Verhütung der Verbreitung des Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2
§ 4a Bürgertestung
§ 4b Bestätigende Diagnostik-Testung
§ 5 Häufigkeit der Testungen
§ 6 Leistungserbringung
Website impact
Multiple FAQ articles refer to the forms 10C/OEGD and to the process where test results are transferred to the app. This is no longer available.
It seems also that the link and the website may no longer be relevant. (I saw a notice on a test container near where I live today which said that they are closing on March 1, 2023.)
Review FAQ articles to see if they are still applicable after March 1, 2023 and revise them if they are not.
Hey Mike, thank you for reporting.
We would like to update the FAQ articles and remove the outdated information where required.
One good approach would be to insert more links to sources where the reader can read more about the topic, so that we don't have to constantly update the individual articles. They should of course also contain a summary, but everything not necessary to understand the answer should be linked to instead. At this point in time I don't know myself where such occurrences arise - that will become appearant once we start actively working on this.
I think this is a great issue where we can collaborate, any help is welcomed to get the articles up to date again. Let me know if you have any further questions or suggestions!
I guess it depends how much time will elapse between now and EOL of the app just how much effort you would want to put in to updating articles. I haven't seen that schedule shared here. Even if it isn't shared you may be able to use internal planning information to make an informed internal decision.
This is such a major change: no more QR codes for receiving test results, that it should probably be covered in a special blog post. The form to be used starting today 10
has no QR code on it, unlike the OEGD
and 10C
forms previously used.
I assume also that the information on is also now obsolete.
An alternative solution to editing individual articles would be add an interim disclaimer as a header to the FAQs.
Something like:
"Major changes to the Coronavirus-Testverordnung - TestV, which took effect on March 1, 2023, remove special testing arrangements for COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2 and many temporary testing stations are now closed. The changes also impact how you receive your test results. Some FAQ articles are therefore no longer current."
You could then decide if you want to go through every FAQ article and make changes or just leave them until EOL kicks in.
According to the pre-release version CWA Android v3.2.0-RC5 the End-of-Life date is planned for May 1, 2023. This is almost two months into the future and the FAQ article
should not be left providing bad information for such a long time.
The app tile
Manage Your Tests and Warn Others > Find Testing Center
links to this FAQ article, so it has a prominent function.
The text of this article should be completely replaced with up-to-date information.
Reference material says:
Bei Symptomen: Ärztin oder Arzt kontaktieren
Haben Sie typische Symptome einer Coronavirus-Infektion – zum Beispiel Halsweh, Husten und Schnupfen – gilt nach wie vor: Bleiben Sie nach Möglichkeit zuhause und setzen Sie sich am besten telefonisch mit Ihrer Hausärztin oder Ihrem Hausarzt in Verbindung. Gemeinsam können Sie die weiteren Schritte abklären – etwa wo und in welcher Form ein Corona-Test erfolgen kann. Mehr zum Thema Symptome erfahren Sie hier.
Kostenlose Tests entfallen
Seit dem 1. März 2023 bestehen keine Ansprüche auf Testung nach der Coronavirus-Testverordnung mehr. Anlasslose Testungen asymptomatischer Personen sind angesichts des derzeitigen Pandemieverlaufs nicht mehr notwendig. Seit dem 1. März 2023 sind zudem die Testnachweispflichten sowohl in Krankenhäusern und Pflegeeinrichtungen als auch in ambulanten Pflegediensten entfallen.
To change, so I suggest to use these two paragraphs from above and translate them into English.
I would remove the reference to and the related text.
Remove the images from the article:
Add a link to the German-language page to replace the search link
Unfortunately the equivalent English-language page is out of date, so it is not helpful.
Now also links are failing due to website shutdown based on the legal end of general testing.
[RESPONSE 404] hostname: on 'http://localhost:8000/de/blog/2021-05-11-how-to-rapid-test-integration'
[RESPONSE 404] hostname: on 'http://localhost:8000/de/blog/2021-05-02-corona-warn-app-version-2-1'
[RESPONSE 404] hostname: on 'http://localhost:8000/en/blog/2021-05-02-corona-warn-app-version-2-1'
- PR to resolve this issue: #3417
In case of a red tile the advice given by CWA 3.1 is out of date since March 1, 2023. See
Compare this to information on
The statistics on show that with effect from March 1, 2023 the warning function of CWA has been drastically inhibited: says: "We are preparing shutdown. Partners get cancelled these days." (corona-warn-app/cwa-map-public-frontend#35 (comment))
Please clarify about whether PCR tests and RAT test results can still be received through CWA. It seems that it is all still working even though the numbers are a lot lower.
I understood from that the PCR test forms OEGD and 10C (with QR codes) are no longer valid, however it seems that they are still being used.
What is the story with RAT tests?
@MikeMcC399 You're asking a good question which I also asked myself, maybe it would make sense to open a separate issue for this?
You're asking a good question which I also asked myself, maybe it would make sense to open a separate issue for this?
If there is going to be any work done on clarifying this set of issues, then it would make sense to split them up for clarity.
I'm looking to the Open Source team to take the initiative, since these are large scale legal and organizational issues with a political background. Any answers would need to be coordinated between BMG / RKI / TSI / SAP.
Please clarify about whether PCR tests and RAT test results can still be received through CWA. It seems that it is all still working even though the numbers are a lot lower.
I understood from that the PCR test forms OEGD and 10C (with QR codes) are no longer valid, however it seems that they are still being used.
What is the story with RAT tests?
Yes, they can still be received over the app. Unfortunately I don't have a detailed response for you at the moment.
Maybe @GisoSchroederSAP can give you a more elaborate answer (OEGD, 10C).
Closing, since I now assume there will be no special changes regarding this issue apart from the ones in planning concerning ramp-down and retirement of the app and CWA infrastructure.