
Some additional requirements in Solar2D documentation

AleCGames opened this issue · 3 comments

As in the previous Google Play Games Services plugin, the addition of the following code is required in order to use the Google Play Games Services from Google, but the documentation of the new version of the plugin (plugin.gpgs.v2) does not contain this part:

Additionally, you must specify the Google Play Games App ID in the android table of build.settings as the googlePlayGamesAppId key:
settings = {

android =
    googlePlayGamesAppId = "YOUR_APPLICATION_ID",


Thank you for pointing this out. Updated GPGS-v2 documentation in corona-docs-plugins repo. Probably, it'll go live with the next docs update.

Thank you for pointing this out. Updated GPGS-v2 documentation in corona-docs-plugins repo. Probably, it'll go live with the next docs update.

Thank you!

This has been added already