
How about ability to vary the mount point name?

gtackett opened this issue · 7 comments

It would really be handy to be able to specify a mount point name and/or to generate a default mount point name based on the device, for example, EFI on disk0s1 would be mounted as /Volumes/EFIdisk0s1 or similar.

This would make it much easier to distinguish between multiple EFI's mounted from different devices.

Is this a reasonable thing to do, or does it not make sense? (I don't know much about how EFI partitions work.)

You know - I might be able to do that. I could have an option for it to prompt for the name when mounting. I still think I'll have it default to the "standard" /Volumes mount location - but let the user specify a name. I'll see if I can whip up some code for that quick.


Hmmm - in just testing using sudo diskutil mount -mountPoint /Volumes/whatever diskXsY in terminal - it seems the volume name doesn't change - just the actual mount point. I suppose that makes sense though, as mounting multiple EFI partitions still shows them all as EFI in the Finder, even though all after the first are mounted at /Volumes/EFI N where N is an incremented number starting with 1.

So - while I could implement some code asking you for a specific mount point - you wouldn't see that reflected in the volume name at all. Pretty sure that defeats the purpose, unfortunately.


I found this on stackexchange but haven't tried it myself, and I don't know if there are any other side effects of bless that might not be desirable for merely changing the name of a volume.

The goal of the person who asked this question was to be able to mount an EFI and make its volume label to be windows.
Assuming the EFI volume is labeled EFI, then the command below would change the label to Windows.

bless --folder /Volumes/EFI/efi/boot --label "Windows"

This command creates the two hidden files given below.


Afterwards, the command given below can unmount the EFI partition.

diskutil unmount disk2s1

Maybe just creating the two hidden files would do the trick, perhaps avoiding anything undesired that bless might do.