
Python package to make visualisations of cosmo boxes

Primary LanguagePython


A python package that makes visualisation plots of stars and dark matter from the TangoSIDM simulation suite.


The GalaxyCatalogue package requires:

  • python3.6 or above
  • see requirements.txt


To get started using the package you need to set up a python virtual environment. The steps are as follows:

Clone GalaxyCatalogue

git clone https://github.com/correac/GalaxyCatalogue.git

cd GalaxyCatalogue

python3 -m venv galaxycatalogue_env

Now activate the virtual environment.

source galaxycatalogue_env/bin/activate

Update pip just in case

pip install pip --upgrade

pip install -r requirements.txt

How to use it

To run the script type

 python3 visualization.py -d run_directory \
                          -s snapshot_name \
                          -c catalogue_name \
                          -n name_of_the_run \
			  -t simulation_type \
                          -o path_to_output_directory