Async multi-part form data
ShantanuNair opened this issue · 2 comments
ShantanuNair commented
I'm using the AsyncApi and am trying to send a multi-part form file. It works locally when running the built docker image, but 404s on the cluster. In the logs I see
error | invalid response from user container; got status code 404, expected status code 200
errorVerbose | invalid response from user container; got status code 404, expected status code 200%!v(PANIC=Format method: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference)
My request:
curl -X POST -F file=@small.wav
And, in my predictor, I parse it like:
@app.route("/", methods=["POST"])
def prediction():
file = request.files['file']
print("Predicting for received file: ", file.filename)
Is this not supported? how do I pass in a file payload to the AsyncAPI?
Related: #1959
miguelvr commented
Only JSON is currently supported. As a workaround, If you need to pass some sort of binary data to the API you can upload it first to s3, send the URI to that file in the payload, and process it in the API.
deliahu commented
As an update on this, form data is supported for making the request. Only JSON data is supported for the API's response.