- 4
Package issue with alphabetizing
#138 opened by etbeilfuss - 2
geom_stratum_text convenience layer?
#137 opened by EvaMaeRey - 3
- 0
- 5
Adding pattern aesthetic to ggalluvial plot
#134 opened by AliceL90 - 5
- 6
How to merge two alluvial plots to 1 by the axis2 (i.e. the axis in the middle)
#133 opened by bridgeovertroubledhuman - 4
Add labels on the right of alluvial plot
#114 opened by willizhang - 0
change logical ordering parameters to character
#129 opened by corybrunson - 2
how to ignore a lot of connect line in alluvial
#126 opened by honghh2018 - 2
Antialiasing or similar problem
#125 opened by dietmar113 - 2
reverse Parameter Purpose Mystery
#123 opened by DarioS - 5
- 7
could not find function "fill_alpha"
#127 opened by ninghaitao - 2
How to wrap lines in strata?
#124 opened by SimonDedman - 2
`spread_()` was deprecated in tidyr 1.2.0.
#102 opened by dcarbajo - 5
- 4
rotating labels in the axes doesn't seem to work?
#119 opened by plijnzaad - 2
- 2
Add vertical spacing between stratum nodes
#121 opened by msto - 1
geom_flow does not work properly with ggnewscale
#120 opened by mdhall272 - 3
- 7
No supporting the ggplot2 github version (>3.3.6)
#103 opened by xiangpin - 4
How to adjust box sizes on geom_stratum?
#116 opened by aisneto - 1
Data is not in a recognized alluvial form
#99 opened by SteveBrouwer - 2
Some inspiration for new/alternative layouts
#96 opened by mbojan - 6
X axis not separating
#115 opened by gpessoaamorim - 4
- 0
- 5
- 6
Explicit reference to alpha value added to colour/colors and ability to edit it
#112 opened by SimonDedman - 3
Code I had for totals of strata isn't working
#113 opened by dlaurison - 16
Not supporting the dplyr 1.0.10 version
#107 opened by MarinkavP - 6
- 2
Could not find function default_missing
#111 opened by cwibrand - 3
Failed to install github, system command R failed
#110 opened by SimonDedman - 3
Computation failed in `stat_stratum()`.
#109 opened by DrZhangjilin - 2
Thanks for the package!
#106 opened by Edouard-Legoupil - 7
Removing gaps when uneven number of flows
#105 opened by sonsoleslp - 4
Trouble with manually ordering lodes and stratum
#100 opened by padpadpadpad - 3
- 6
- 3
Custom order of NA strata
#98 opened by GiuliaPais - 2
- 1
Cannot gganimate alluvial plots
#94 opened by jessexknight - 2
- 11
ggalluvial:::data_to_xspline() throws an error when data arg has less than 2 rows.
#86 opened by stevegbrooks - 7
matching strata names to correct position
#87 opened by kaseyzapatka - 2
- 2
Plotting summarized data
#83 opened by pshmell