
React Frameworks

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My Tweet thread on create-react-app alternatives

Related: My take on how to choose between SPA and SSR


Content-focused / Static site

  • Gatsby - Deferred Static Generation, integrated GraphQL
  • Astrobuild - Can mix with Vue, Angular, Svelte, etc too. Can add dynamism via API calls during build.
  • Docusaurus

Server-rendered, no DB included - comparo vid

  • #78 - Built-in routing, image optimization, easy deploy. More
  • #79 - Built-in file based routing, Embraces web standards to streamline forms, co-locates server code inside components via loaders. Put links in head by exporting links function. CSS is automatically tied to the page. Fast build built in Go. More #79. Next vs Remix by Ryan Florence and here's another Next vs Remix blog post
  • Gatsby (added SSR in V4)
  • After.js (Like Next, but with React Router routing)
  • t3app - Next, but with extra opinions like Prisma, Tailwind, trpc with Zod

Server-rendered, DB included

  • Redwood - Unlike Blitz, built from the ground up. But much like Blitz, but uses GraphQL instead of REST with Prisma. end-to-end test suite, Storybook, logging, Auth, MSW, Router, Prerendering, Webhook security and testing. The underlying architectures of Next and Redwood are fundamentally different. Redwood's client is an SPA with prerender-by-route config. Cell components are a unique innovation for data fetching + state, resembling "islands of interactivity" design. Redwood's multi-client, GraphQL API is secure-by-default using pre-configure defaults and Auth directives (which can also transform data). The API Services are another innovation and include data validators. And it's cache-ready, meaning it just requires infra setup to enable.
  • Blitz - Next.js extensions for API, Jest, ESLint, Prettier, Auth, command line based file generators, and Prisma DB built in. Abstracts the API into a compile step and generates plain functions that can be called on the client. Funded via Y-Combinator because of their cloud offering.

Nearly 200 more options

Not React, but similar

Marko - Also Marko vs React