
Large datasets

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I am a happy user of SWTChart and I am going to try now SWTChartPlus. It is always good to know some development goes on.

Charts are usually fast loading, but now I am faced with a 17.000.000 points dataset. I can load it fine to memory, but I consumes all memory once I ask it to plot it.
I have removed some System.arraycopy from the code to avoid excessive use of memory and it seemed to work fine until I reach the end of the draw routine. Afterwards the memory explodes somehow and it crashes.

Any tips?

Can you please post an example that crashes to allow us to reproduce this issue?

We recently updated the plugin to solve a similar issue. Can you try again with the updated plugin?
also beware to use before the bulk update


and after the bulk update/insertion


this speeds up the process considerably.