No module named 'psutil' on python
HalloweenMagic opened this issue · 3 comments
HalloweenMagic commented
coskundeniz commented
Probably, you couldn't install that package.
Follow the instructions here:
HalloweenMagic commented
Probably, you couldn't install that package. Follow the instructions here:
Thanks. I've already installaed it, but it's not working.
Also in the new release, it's not working.
coskundeniz commented
Regarding meeting for those who encounter the same issue:
We need to manually show the path of the installed packages in, and modules.
- Add this to the start of the mentioned scripts
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, r"full path to your site-packages folder in the project directory")
- Add this to the start of the mentioned scripts
Or you can look for editing the PYTHONPATH variable on Windows.