
Export function Does Not Copy

Opened this issue · 6 comments

The "Export" function does not copy to the clipboard when clicking on the "Copy" button.

xclip -o

Used above 'xclip -o and confirmed nothing copied.

Using version: Git commit 3786db06 on 2024-07-12

I'm not savvy enough in Rust to dive into code to help out.

Great app and enjoying using it.

Does the app close when you copy?

App stays open. No other issue other than it didn't copy.

Are you using the Flatpak version?

Using the Flatpak version.

Can uninstall and try the "System" version. Using the COSMIC Store.

No need, apparently this is a sandbox issue, I'll try to fix it in the next version.

No problem, thanks.

Keep up the great work.