Chapter 9: Unit Testing Event Handlers in Isolation - small bug
dayres2 opened this issue · 2 comments
dayres2 commented
I found that to get the additional isolation test to work when testing BatchQuantityChanged I had to override collect_new_events in FakeUnitOfWorkWithFakeMessageBus not publish_events and then return an empty list.
Small issue but thought I would raise it. Nice book by the way.
hjwp commented
oo good catch! something like this?
class FakeUnitOfWorkWithFakeMessageBus(FakeUnitOfWork):
def __init__(self):
self.events_published = [] # type: List[events.Event]
def collect_new_events(self):
self.events_published += super().collect_new_events()
return []
dayres2 commented
looks good. Thanks Harry