
oauth plugin crashes DokuWiki with 500 after upgrade to rc2020-06-01 "Hogfather"

igittigitt opened this issue · 1 comments

Today i upgraded our Wiki instance using OAuth Plugin to login via Keycloak. After the Wiki-Update i can't access it anymore (error 500) and get this in my Apache2 errorlog:

[Mon Jun 01 17:50:46.485752 2020] [php7:error] [pid 25378] [client] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method auth_plugin_oauth::_loadUserData() in /systems/id-generator/htdocs/lib/plugins/oauth/auth.php:297\nStack trace:\n#0 /systems/id-generator/htdocs/lib/plugins/oauth/auth.php(226): auth_plugin_oauth->getUserByEmail('*********@m...')\n#1 /systems/id-generator/htdocs/lib/plugins/oauth/auth.php(195): auth_plugin_oauth->processUser(Array, 'Keycloak')\n#2 /systems/id-generator/htdocs/lib/plugins/oauth/auth.php(97): auth_plugin_oauth->processLogin(false, Object(OAuth\\Plugin\\KeycloakAdapter), 'Keycloak', '', Array)\n#3 /systems/id-generator/htdocs/inc/auth.php(105): auth_plugin_oauth->trustExternal('', '', false)\n#4 /systems/id-generator/htdocs/inc/init.php(229): auth_setup()\n#5 /systems/id-generator/htdocs/doku.php(36): require_once('/systems/id-gen...')\n#6 {main}\n  thrown in /systems/id-generator/htdocs/lib/plugins/oauth/auth.php on line 297

After a bit of research i found that the function _loadUserData() claimed above was renamed in the current Dokuwiki version to loadUserData() (without that underscore). The function is exported by the class file in lib/plugins/authplain/auth.php

To get it back to work, i renamed the call in the OAuth-Pluign file:

<         if($this->users === null) $this->_loadUserData();
>         if($this->users === null) $this->loadUserData();

Thank you for opening this issue.
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