Add packet data encoding format for each IBC app
colin-axner opened this issue · 0 comments
In the same vain as #918, determining the exact encoding format for an IBC app's packet data could be made easier.
I expect to see a document for each app,
which should explain which encoding protocol is used and what value each field is marshalled as.
If we look at ICS-20 as an example, I see:
interface FungibleTokenPacketData {
denom: string
amount: uint256
sender: string
receiver: string
memo: string
However, much farther down, underneath discussion of the acknowledgement type, I read:
Note that both the FungibleTokenPacketData as well as FungibleTokenPacketAcknowledgement must be JSON-encoded (not Protobuf encoded) when they serialized into packet data. Also note that uint256 is string encoded when converted to JSON, but must be a valid decimal number of the form [0-9]+.
It seems possible to me, the amount could have been encoded as a JSON number, so it would be nice to have a single document for each app which explains exactly how the encoding should be constructed