
Support for MsgSetWithdrawAddress

vietnamese-chowder opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm trying to sign a MsgSetWithdrawAddress, and correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems it's not supported currently. During signing I see cosmos-sdk/MsgSetWithdrawAddress as the message type as opposed to "Withdraw Address" or something like that and the withdraw address field name is also not "prettified" as with MsgSend or MsgDelegate, and sending with it throws a signature error. Can you please support this message type?

This is the message I'm passing to sign:

  "account_number": "8",
  "chain_id": "testing",
  "fee": {
    "amount": [
        "amount": "5000",
        "denom": "uatom"
    "gas": "200000"
  "memo": "",
  "msgs": [
      "type": "cosmos-sdk/MsgSetWithdrawAddress",
      "value": {
        "delegator_address": "cosmos1hr9x0sjvel6z3vt9qny8sdd5gnnlgk0p69d6cv",
        "withdraw_address": "cosmos12d64j98tjjpqkx70r08aspc4nvntqp2w6wr2de"
      "type": "cosmos-sdk/MsgWithdrawDelegationReward",
      "value": {
        "delegator_address": "cosmos1hr9x0sjvel6z3vt9qny8sdd5gnnlgk0p69d6cv",
        "validator_address": "cosmosvaloper13dr26wdygna3s8fdl5tlc45m2le2ydyddxzj49"
  "sequence": "7"

Not sure if necessary, but here is the documentation on this type of message: