
cosmos testnet upgrade issues

saravadeanil opened this issue · 1 comments

I am facing below issues on my cosmos-testnet node while migrating from theta-testnet-001 -> provider (ics-testnet-provider)

1:55PM INF error from light block request from primary, removing... error="client provided bad signed header: invalid signed header: header belongs to another chain \"provider\", not \"theta-testnet-001\"" height=8787650 module=light primary=http{}

1:55PM ERR error on light block request from witness, removing... error="client provided bad signed header: invalid signed header: header belongs to another chain \"provider\", not \"theta-testnet-001\"" module=light primary=http{}

Error: failed to start state sync: failed to set up light client state provider: light block not found

I am following this documents:-

How should I resolve it?

Hi @saravadeanil !
You can't migrate a node from one chain to another, you have to sync a node to the new chain altogether (the readme you linked has instructions on how to sync a node to the provider chain).