
A typo in wasm docs

steida opened this issue · 4 comments


node: {
    fs: 'empty'

Should be ws. Also, Webpack 5 has a different format:

config.resolve.fallback = {
      // Themis
      ws: false,

@steida, I think fs is the correct one. There is no Node.js module named ws. This statement suppresses warnings from webpack caused by Node.js compatibility shims that Emscripten adds to generated code. They should never actually be used in Web environments, but exist in the code.

Do you experience issues with fs which get fixed by using ws? 🤔

Regarding webpack 5, you are absolutely right. I've filed a PR to provide an example for webpack 5 syntax. Thanks.

@steida, I think fs is the correct one. There is no Node.js module named ws. This statement suppresses warnings from webpack caused by Node.js compatibility shims that Emscripten adds to generated code. They should never actually be used in Web environments, but exist in the code.

Do you experience issues with fs which get fixed by using ws? 🤔

It fixed my code, that's why I made an issue. But I already deleted experimental Themis branch, so I can not retest it. 1mb gzipped for web is no-go.