
Thanks for Gufw! I just released a visual indicator for the gnome status bar which plays nice with it

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Thank you for building Gufw! I've only discovered a week ago and was really delighted to finally discover such a nice and functional GUI. One feature I was looking for is the ability to show a nice visual indicator for the ufw status, at least for gnome, which I am currently using.

However I couldn't find anything like that so I decided to build it myself.

I thought people here would likely be interested in it, so please forgive my shameless plug to it :)

I've just released v1.0.0 and you can find more about it at, where you'll more screenshots and detailed installing instructions.

Thank you again and I hope you guys will enjoy using it as much as I enjoy using Gufw.


Thank you very much @illtellyoulater Good work!! ♥