
After downloading the demo, it cannot be run.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Did you forget to declare these files as outputs of any script phases or custom build rules which produce them?

/Users/chkf/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/CouchbaseLite-bqcydxjsieafgjbmmzffcgjaaxmy/Build/Intermediates.noindex/PrecompiledHeaders/SharedPrecompiledHeaders/16215133027227322841/CBLPrefix.h.gch Command ProcessPCH++ failed with a nonzero exit code

What demo are we talking about here? Also can you please refer what target are you trying to build and what is the XCode version?

By the looks of the screenshot, that part missing is the EE code, which is expected. Closing as it's been stale for many months