
Basemaps (under Topo ) are not clickable - iPhone Mobile Access

oren-ned opened this issue · 3 comments Basemaps options (under Topo ) are not clickable on iPhone 6s - Software version 13.3.1.

@oren-ned I don't have access to an iPhone 6 to debug the styling. Is something you or @reed-tom can look at?

looks like it's the same on all mobile devices, I was able to reproduce the issue using chrome's mobile layout.

If you set the z-index to anything greater than 0 for the sc-basemap-topo-container css class it appears to fix the issue.

I'm not sure what this override was put in to fix, but I'd guess this is caused by the OLOverride.css
.ol-overlaycontainer-stopevent {
z-index: 1 !important;

daa0a9a Thanks Tom. Pushed the fix. Simple zIndex change to 2 on the topo popup container.