
Connection reset by peer when running "rake mebla:index"

Closed this issue · 2 comments

When i tried to index my collection, i always get that error in the middle process (i have more than 1 million data), when the error occur, i though the elasticserver has down, but when i checked is not down.

Here is my model setup :

class Post
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Mebla

field :user_id, :type => String
field :retweet_count, :type => Integer
field :coordinates, :type => String
field :geo, :type => String
field :place, :type => String
field :source, :type => String
field :created_at, :type => Time
field :text, :type => String
field :keywords, :type => String

index :created_at
index [[:created_at, Mongo::DESCENDING]]

belongs_to :user
paginates_per 20


search_in :text, :keywords


This issue is related to ElasticSearch, try increasing the timeout in ElasticSearch.

Thanks for the tips