
Using Axitra questions

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Dear Axitra developer,
First of all thank you very much for sharing your code. I am Roberto Cabieces (my code in and I would like to make some questions to understand the use of axitra and its link with older version.
The issue of our axitra is that is too old "AXITRA 4.11", so now we have lots of problems to compile it. In that version there were to programs: elemse.for and gr_xyz.for, so as toy example we used as follows once compiled,

./gr_xyz 0 0 0 0000
./elemse 4 0000 0

Parameters are:
gr_xyz x y z point_id
elemse npte_exp point_id elemse_start_origin

with the output


I would like to know how would be the equivalent way to use axitra new version to be able to obtain the same output. That would be awesome because your new version compiles with no issues.

Many thanks for your time in advanced!