
I created a module for prosperent for node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Prosperent is an affiliate network to make money from visitors

I created this module because they do not have anything out there to handle node.js as most of their stuff is PHP.



npm i -S prosperent


It is always nice to try and monetize what you have done and people love personalized suggestions. This is a module to assist with connecting up to Prosperent to get their data back and presenting it to your end users.


this is only dependent on axios and because of that promises. I have used a core-js polyfill to make sure that Promises are created in environments that are missing them. Because of the lack of dependencies this should work both in the browser and on Node.js though it is not attached to window so you will have to import it and attach it to a global object if you want it available in all contexts.


Simple Usage

import Prosperent from 'prosperent'
const prosper = new Prosperent('<APIKEY>', '<ACCESSKEY>')
prosper.usProducts({ query: 'Shoes' })
.then(({ data }) => console.log(data))


new Prosperent(apiKey, accessKey, options)


  • clickMaskDomain
    • HIDE THE PROSPERENT URLS FOR ANCHORS mask the Urls that People click to make them appear that they come from your server
  • imageMaskDomain
    • HIDE THE PROSPERENT URLS FOR IMAGES mask the Images so that everything appears to be local
  • location
    • URL OF YOUR SITE this is required in some instances and it is nice to do it at the constructor to prevent the need of doing it on each call




  • query: string
  • visitorIp: string,
  • referrer: string,
  • userAgent: string,
  • relevancyThreshold: number, // float
  • filterBrand: string, // pipe separated values
  • filterCatalogId: string, // pipe separated values
  • filterCategory: string, // pipe separated values
  • filterKeyword: string, // pipe separated values
  • filterKeywords: string, // pipe separated values
  • filterMerchant: string, // pipe separated values
  • filterMerchantId: string, // pipe separated values
  • filterPercentOff: number, // float or range
  • filterPremier: boolean,
  • filterPrice: number, // float or range
  • filterPriceSale: number, // float or range
  • filterProductId: string, // float or range
  • sortBy: string, // enum
  • groupBy: string, // enum
  • maxPrice: number, // float
  • minPrice: number, // float
  • maxPriceSale: number, // float
  • minPriceSale: number, // float
  • limit: number, // integer
  • page: number, // integer
  • imageSize: string, // enum
  • sid: string,
  • enableFacets: boolean | string, // boolean or pipe separated facet values
  • enableQuerySuggestion: boolean,
  • enableFullData: boolean,
  • imageMaskDomain: string,
  • clickMaskDomain: string,
  • debugMode: boolean

So the idea behind this is to have a promise interface that will fail fast if you try to do something that is outside of what they suggest. Example being sortBy on US Products is supposed to be one of a list of enumerable values. I want to make it so you do not ever need to question why something is failing so I an rejecting requests that do not fit their expectations before hitting that endpoint.