The function passed as a handler with ID {Phoenix.Logger, [:phoenix, :channel_handled_in]} is a local function
IONodeOnline opened this issue · 0 comments
rudder | To list all commands:
rudder |
rudder | _build/dev/rel/rudder/bin/rudder
rudder |
rudder | [info] The function passed as a handler with ID {Phoenix.Logger, [:phoenix, :channel_handled_in]} is a local function.
rudder | This means that it is either an anonymous function or a capture of a function without a module specified. That may cause a performance penalty when calling that handler. For more details see the note in telemetry:attach/4
rudder |
rudder |
rudder | [info] The function passed as a handler with ID {Phoenix.Logger, [:phoenix, :channel_joined]} is a local function.
rudder | This means that it is either an anonymous function or a capture of a function without a module specified. That may cause a performance penalty when calling that handler. For more details see the note in telemetry:attach/4
rudder |