Rudder pipeline test erroring out
noslav opened this issue · 1 comments
noslav commented
Rudder pipeline test immediately fails to resolve the ipfs link and pushes the URL to an unprocessed workload storage.
**12:56:58.694 [warning] specimen hash hash written to backlog with ipfs://bafybeiaar2hb22exwntqi5eurrgdql3ci2nv2udva7fhcqdkshqgo7srfi; error: {:error, :schema_mismatch}**
1) test returns the cid and hash of the processed block hash (Rudder.PipelineTest)
** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: :ok
code: {status, cid, block_result_hash} = Rudder.Pipeline.process_specimen("hash", test_urls)
test/pipeline_test.exs:13: (test)
..12:56:59.072 [debug] reading schema `block-ethereum` from the file /Users/pranay/Documents/covalent/elixir-projects/rudder/priv/schemas/block-ethereum.avsc
**..12:57:07.473 [warning] specimen hash hash1 written to backlog with ipfs://bafybeihg6dvzspiicrvawxy3sviwpahnryzmmsj2a4hg3sf7am55opav5u; error: {:error, :schema_mismatch}**
2) test pipeline spawner starts pipeline processes (Rudder.PipelineTest)
** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: :ok
code: {status, cid, block_result_hash} = Agent.get(agent, & &1)
test/pipeline_test.exs:32: (test)
...12:57:16.683 [info] got an unexpected message: %Porcelain.Process{err: nil, out: :string, pid: #PID<0.6495.0>}
INFO[11-28|12:57:17.170] Wrote file file=evm-out/1234_s_-result.json
.12:57:17.296 [info] got an unexpected message: %Porcelain.Process{err: nil, out: :string, pid: #PID<0.6500.0>}
ERROR(10): error unmarshalling replica file: json: cannot unmarshal array into Go value of type t8ntool.BlockReplica
.12:57:17.460 [error] failed: Command not found: /Users/pranay/Documents/covalent/elixir-projects/rudder/blahblahrandomness/evm
Finished in 19.1 seconds (18.3s async, 0.7s sync)
13 tests, 2 failures
Randomized with seed 211540
This is happening because the ipfs endpoint is saying its getting too many requests-need to fix this
<head><title>429 Too Many Requests</title></head>
<center><h1>429 Too Many Requests</h1></center>