
PRT Document Update

jonioni opened this issue · 6 comments

Some of the code in the PRT documents doesn't work when using MATLAB online. The PRT package was installed through the online add-on market.

Hi Jon,

Can you give an example of what you are trying to do, what tutorial you are looking at, and what goes wrong?

Also, whether the issue happens only in MATLAB online, or in desktop MATLAB? I'm not sure we developed the PRT to be MATLAB Online friendly

Thank you for your attention.

For "Quick Start":

  • Command: dataSet = prtDataSetClass(x,y);
    • Error:
      Error using prtOptionsGetFactory (line 21)
      Invalid default value for property 'plotOptions' in class 'prtDataSetClass':
      Package prtOptions was not found on path
  • Command: fld = prtClassFld;
    • Error:
      Undefined function or variable 'prtClassFld'.

For "Getting Started Examples":

  • Command: dataSet = prtDataGenUnimodal; and dataSet = prtDataGenIris;
    • Error:
      Undefined function or variable 'prtDataGenUnimodal'.
      Undefined function or variable 'prtDataGenIris'.
  • Command: knnClassifier = prtClassKnn;
    • Error:
      Undefined function or variable 'prtClassKnn'.

The errors happened when using MATLAB Online.


I think you need to run something like:

>> cd covartech-PRT-4fdf9e6/
>> prtPath

Before running these commands. Otherwise, the PRT path is incomplete. This is detailed in the installation instructions ( but not in the Quick Start Guide - we can add it in there if that is helpful.

After I do that, the remainder of your code works fine, I think - See




Let us know if that helps

It's strange that my previous package directory looked like this:


Everything is normal now after reinstalling the package.


Also I think there is no need in using the "prtPath" command, since packages installed from the official add-on market are automatically added to the path.

Thank you for your help.

No problem! I still dont fully understand what was happening! We didnt design for MATLAB Online, so, to be frank, I am amazed this works at all.

Please let us know if you have other issues on the GITHUB. We dont follow the web-page for the MATLAB Add-On