
King County, WA cases discrepancy

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Original issue, transferred here on Wednesday May 20, 2020 at 17:48 GMT

Location, date, and short issue description

Discepancy in numbers for King County, WA, USA on May 20 between the king county website (the source for the WA doh, which is where coronadatascraper gets its data from) and the reported numbers on the covid atlas


King County daily summary here:

Issue details

There is a discrepancy between the numbers reported on the King County website:
and the numbers reported on the atlas. For example, on the county website, 05/15 reports 7462 cases, whereas the datascraper reports 7325.

I looked into it a bit, and it looks like King County back-updates their cases -- e.g., every day, new data are added for both that day and updated for all previous days. This might be the source of the discrepancy.