Min number of markers in eset?
sjmonkley opened this issue · 2 comments
I have run the marker-based decomposition successfully with >1000 markers in the list with between 3 and 600 per cell type . I am now running the same eset with between 5-10 markers per cell type (85 in total) and I get the error:
Error in BisqueRNA::MarkerBasedDecomposition(bulk.eset = alvFC_CTR.norm.eset.ENSG, : No overlapping genes between markers and bulk.eset
This is despite running
length(intersect(ENSG.unique_slim$gene, featureNames(alvFC_CTR.norm.eset.ENSG)))#81
and getting 81 overlapping genes
So I am wondering is there an lower limit on number of overlapping genes?
Hi @sjmonkley, thanks for your interest in our method! The default minimum number of genes needed for each cell type is 5 (you can change this with the min.gene
parameter in MarkerBasedDecomposition
). Note that this value describes the minimum number of unique genes required for a cell type, which may be the source of your issue.
Hi and thanks for the reply- I do not think that is the problem. from the overlapping 81 genes there are at least 5 per cell type as shown by counting number of genes per cluster below.
A tibble: 11 x 2
cluster n
1 AberrantBasaloid 8
2 AT1 9
3 AT2 9
4 Basal 9
5 Cilitated 8
6 Differentiating 5
7 Goblet 5
8 Proliferating 10
9 SCGB3A2+ 8
10 SCGB3A2+ SCGB1A1+ 6
11 Transitional AT2 5`